Orchard of Flavours / Pomar dos sabores

Disciplines / skills: design / visual languages / strategy / social media

The client: orchardofflavours.com

Located in Tavira, Portugal, with over 300 different tree species, Orchard of Flavours is an edible Botanical Garden; a space where people can explore, eat available fruits, learn about agro-ecology via workshops or get educated consultancy for their own gardens. Research on growing edible plants under the current climatic context is also a key activity.


Since its launch, in 2019, the overall activities around the Botanical Garden were coordinated by the founder, Miguel Cotton - private visits, workshops, research and, of course, everything related to the growth of the Botanical Garden itself.

It is time for a new stage in the Orchard of Flavours life.

How good looks like ?

-a refreshed logo

-a smart visual communication system to help visitors explore on their own, without a guide

-a digital strategy to promote the garden, within the new visual communication system

The Audience:

*visitors willing to explore the edible botanical garden & spend quality time, agro-ecology enthusiasts coming for the workshops, garden owners in search for consultancy, researchers, suppliers. Challenge - most of them are Millenials, some Boomers, but this Orchard is for the future generations, so ask yourselves how we can bring Gen Z&X there?)


*Logo: Refresh the identity

*The typography & new icons to define a new, coherent, fluid visual communication system, taking into consideration two categories of public: digital natives & digital emigrants

*Digital Strategy Promo (to reach also Gen Z, Gen X, consider gamevertising)

Brand’s Tone of voice:

Fluent, contemporary, solar, enchanting, joyful, human-centric, vital.

Feel free to use your intuition / insight.


1. Decline the logo on a sticker. (2,5 or 3.5 cm + 0.5 bleed at 300 dpi, via editable PDF for the printable version or 1350x1080 pixels/size for the digital sticker)

2. Create a coherent, contemporary design system (type, icons, colors)

3. Decline it in minimum 5 visuals, selecting from: the layout of the display containing critical info in front of each plant | the direction sign | the exit sign |the toilets sign | the welcome sign | the main entrance outdoor panel | the membership card | The Shop sign | The workshop area sign | Map of the garden | Other visual elements critical for a good UX |a social media post promoting the launch of the first walking tour without a guide. The size & shapes of the visuals are at your choice. Format: editable pdf.

4. On an A 3 board, present in a concise, appealing form:

1. Insight 2. Idea 3. Strategy (visual & digital). Include on the board the logo, the five selected visuals from the list above. Ad up other complementary visuals, if necessary, especially if the brand narrative is integrated within a video game.

Samples of A3 competition boards solving similar briefs here.

Deadline: 22.04 | 10 AM

Send your cv & solutions on a google drive link until 22.04 | 10 AM.

Make sure the link is public so the solution can be properly evaluated, before sending the application email.

Important: After each class, for this brief, you can present in 5 min your idea / strategy, receive feedback and improve / edit the solution, until 22.04.




Few Q&A helping you to better solve the brief:

1. While designing the logo, can we change the papaya symbol?

The papaya is critical - if one can grow papaya, he can grow anything.

However, if you feel the papaya symbol could look better or the logo could be more interesting with a different symbol or without one, explore that route.

2. Do you have other guiding elements for the visual experience?

2.1. The design system & visual experience should find an intelligent, EQ aware solution for all age groups to help them navigate all garden areas with ease, without a guide to show them around.

2.2. How do you want people TO FEEL while interacting with the logo & the overall visual experience? It’s important to be digitally connected, yet not everyone loves QR codes. They are important, but they’re not everything,

3. Any references for the strategy?

Make it as clear, enchanting and engaging as possible. We speak with adults, but we want younger people to know about the garden’s workshops, goals & experiences, becoming a new generation of edible plant cultivation afficionados. Make it so memorable that the Botanical Garden becomes a must-have destination for all plant lovers & plant growers & conscious planet people out there.

4. What about the A3 board?

Structuring the essentials of the case study and selling your idea via an A 3 board is a Cannes Lions tradition.

Integrating all you work in this board is a skill showing the evaluators you can be great communicators balancing properly visual and text. Think of it as the Ad of the Ad. When creating the board, keep the text to a minimum. Be relevant with the copy, have a bold title and an appealing visual experience.

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