Raiffeisen Smart Market

New customers through easy banking, easy Living

Raiffeisen, the bank that keeps on giving

Through Smart Market, the Smart Mobile app users have a privileged, upgraded value for everything they buy, while also making conscious decisions related to their carbon footprint and the ways they can contribute to its reduction, thus positively impacting the planet.


Disciplines / skills: Digital & Digital Visual Languages / Strategy

The client:

Raiffeisen Bank, a contemporary leading universal bank in Romania has been serving over 2.2 million clients—both individuals and businesses—for more than 25 years.

Campaign’s Tone of voice:

Fluent, smart, efficient, convincing, adapted to Gen Z conversational style.

The Audience / conversation partners:

Digital born Romanians appreciating both #SmartMarket’s features: “value for money” with imediate impact on their budget & benefits + a raised level on consciousness


*Create a digital first campaign for digital-born users to reach out for new clients appreciating Smart Market features, and its tangible and intangible benefits

How do we measure success ?

  • The impact of the idea in generating new, happy customers, through the biggest possible number of the Smart Market active users

  • The likeability & appeal of the creative solution (is it exciting, exhilarating, magnetic ?)

  • The quality of the visually related content

  • The virality of the creative solution

  • The originality of the insight & strategic approach


1.A digital first campaign for digital users to secure new clients via SmartMarket benefits.

2.Create the most impactful visual content for promoting SmartMarket & its features


A Google drive folder containing:

a) 1 PDF, max 2 pages, explaining: a) the idea - 1 line, b. The Insight: 3 lines on how you found it by exploring the pop culture, habits, and challenges of the digitally born generation c. Up to 3 paragraphs focusing on how to attract new client cohorts, detailing the app promotion strategy and how it engages digitally native users (methods, mechanics, associations) d. The Expected outcome in 2025 - 2-4 lines.

b) 3 visual items of your choice.

mp4 format for the video solutions |gif for gif | PNG for the static (SoMe posts, posters)

c). A 3 board, landscape, containing the name of the team, the title of the campaign. The catchy board, essentially selling your solution, is presenting in a concise, appealing form the highlights from a & b, following as guidance for headlines: 1. Idea 2. Insight / Tension 3. Strategy 4. Expected outcome + a selection from the visuals.

Samples of A3 competition boards solving similar briefs:


Relevant links:

1. About Smart Market:


2. About Smart Mobile, to be downloaded in order to access SmartMarket:



Send your solutions on a google drive, under YOUR_TEAMS_NAME link until 13.12.2024

Make sure the link is public before sending the email.



Any further recommendations ?

Do your best to integrate pop-culture references from visual arts & music for the digitalised Romanians, appreciating SmartMarket benefits, both tangible and intangible, material & in terms of raised consciousness.

Q&A helping you to better solve the brief:

1. Could we come up with new features for Smart Market ?

You are encouraged to come up with new features, GenZ relevant, as part of the promo campaign for Smart Market.

2. Ojo - pay attention !

When creating the solution, pay attention to the difference between strategy and social media as obvious tools for a digital first campaign.

SoMe is supporting the strategy, but never replace it.

3. Other medias, beyond the digital ?

You are encouraged to explore an unexpected media mix, if this is helping reaching out and securing new customers interested in the Smart Market benefits.

4. Final recommendations for the board ?

a) The idea / insight (translated in the title of the board) should give a very clear reference to your strategy & creative solution.

b) Keep the board’s text to a minimum, everything else - the extra-details - could be integrated in the pdf.

c) Use white space, keep the board decluttered, integrate impactful visuals

d) The clarity, magnetism, appeal of the board (selling basically your idea) is the first step to win the jurors’ attention & appreciation.

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